
On this year's Day of Informatics, the faculty of informatics of the KIT awards the price for the best student thesis in the year 2023/24 to Luisa Gebhardt for her master's thesis “Investigating Students' Perception of Instant Messaging Systems”. 26/07/2024

Uniserv awards the research award 2020 at KIT to Dr. Till Neudecker for his dissertation „Security and Anonymity Aspects of the Network Layer of Permissionless Blockchains". Interview on Youtube


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In the Zeek Package Contest 2019, Jan Grashöfer, Matthias Grundmann and Florian Jacob won the category for Zeek 3.0 compatible extensions with the Emojifier package. 04/06/2020

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In the Zeek Package Contest 2019, Jan Grashöfer was awarded the second prize for the Intel Limiter package. 04/06/2020
The SICK-Wissenschaftspreis is awarded to Matthias Grundmann for his master thesis. 06/19/2019
Oliver Stengele, Andreas Baumeister, Pascal Birnstill and Hannes Hartenstein received the "Best Paper Runner Up" award at SACMAT 2019. 06/05/2019

The Department of Informatics awards the prize for the best application-related master thesis to Matthias Grundmann. 06/22/2018
ITK Engineering Bachelor thesis awarded: Jan Bartsch joinedITK Student Award 06/26/2017
IEEE Till Neudecker, Philipp Andelfinger and Hannes Hartenstein received the best paper award at the ATC 2016. 07/20/2016
Lecture evaluation: The course 'IT-Security Management for Networked Systems' received an award for the best exercise of the winter semester 2015/2016. 07/17/2016
Lecture evaluation: The course 'Praktikum: Modellierung und Simulation von Netzen und verteilten Systemen' received an award as best tutorial of the summer semester 2015. 07/17/2015
ITK Engineering Bachelor thesis awarded: Florian Jacob joined ITK Student Award 06/26/2015
IEEE Till Neudecker and Philipp Andelfinger received the best paper award at the DISSECT 2015 05/20/2015
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Labitzke received the FZI Award for his outstanding dissertation on Avoiding Unintended Flows of Personally Identifiable Information - Enterprise Identity Management and Online Social Networks. 07/23/2014
Lecture evaluation: The course 'Practical Course Web Engineering' received an award as best tutorial of the summer semester 2013. 07/18/2014
  Dr.-Ing. Jens Mittag received the KIT Doktorandenpreis for his outstanding dissertation on "Characterization, Avoidance and Repair of Packet Collisions in Inter-Vehicle Communication Networks" 11/09/2013
ITK Engineering Bachelor thesis awarded: Florian Werling joined ITK Student Award 08/30/2013

Lecture evaluation: The course 'Practical Course Web Engineering' received an award as best tutorial of the winter semester 2012/2013. 07/17/2013
  Dr.-Ing. Jens Mittag received the FZI award for his outstanding dissertation on "Characterization, Avoidance and Repair of Packet Collisions in Inter-Vehicle Communication Networks" 07/12/2013
IEEE Jens Mittag and Tessa Tielert received one best paper award each at the International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications (ITST) in Taipei, Taiwan 12/21/2012
Uniserv The Diploma thesis Entwurf und Implementierung einer Lösung zur automatischen Überführung von Datenanforderungen auf Verschlüsselungs­mechanismen in der Cloud has been awarded the Forschungspreis "Algorithmen für effiziente Daten­verarbeitung" founded by Uniserv. The thesis has been completed by Jens Köhler and has been advised by Konrad Jünemann at the DSN research group. 10/15/2012
ITK Engineering Bachelor thesis awarded: Till Neudecker joined ITK Student Award 06/21/2012
Tessa Tielert received the Best Paper Award at VNC 2011 in Amsterdam, November 14-16, 2011 11/17/2011
itst 2011 Thomas Mangel received the Best Paper Award at ITST 2011 held in St. Petersburg, Russland during August 23-25, 2011 08/25/2011

Lecture evaluation: The lecture and the associated tutorial (german: Übung) 'Network and IT-Security Management' received an award as best lecture and best tutorial of the winter semester 2007/08. 07/12/2008

On 4th of February 2008 Marc Torrent Moreno received an award from the FZI-Förderverein for his outstanding dissertation. Further information see here. 02/05/2008


2nd place for the NOW project at the "Der Große Preis der Ideen 2007" (in german).




Lecture evaluation: The Lab 'Simulation of Computer Networks' received an award as best practical course of the summer semester 2006. 02/06/2007


Recently Marc Torrent-Moreno, researcher in our group, have been awarded by the COIT (Colegio oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación). The Spanish association selected the master thesis “A performance study of Mobile IPv6, Hierarchical Mobile IPv6, Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6 and their combination” performed by Marc at NEC Europe Ltd. as the best master thesis of 2003 in Mobility and Multimedia in Telecommunications. 07/08/2004